Azle FFA
  Sign-In  Register
Floral Design

Ms. Slough

Phone: (817)-444-5555 ext 5099

Tutorial Times: Monday 7:30-7:55  & Wednesday 3:20-3:45

Conference: 3rd 

Remind 101: Text @4fgfck to 81010

Class website:

Azle FFA website:


Course Description:


Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, a comprehensive course, provides students the knowledge and skills necessary for career planning and advanced study in the broad field of agriculture/agribusiness. Topics of instruction include the agricultural industry and its global importance; agricultural leadership organizations; agricultural research; concepts of animal and plant science; basics of mechanized agriculture; and personal and communication skills.


Curriculum Content:


  • State, National & International Agriculture
  • SAE – Projects
  • Basic Animal Management
  • SAE Record Keeping
  • FFA Manual – History & Procedures of the FFA
  • Parliamentary Procedure
  • Personal & Communication Skills
  • Agricultural History
  • Ag Mechanics





  • Pen                                                                 
  • Paper
  • Composition Note Book
  • I-Pad


I-pad Usage Procedures

  1. Follow all AISD Technology Rules and Regulations
  2. Be respectful of your opportunity to use technology
  3. Use the tool for the task and only the task


Class Procedures :

  1. Arrive on time
  2. Pick up folder
  3. Daily Warm-Up
  4. Pick Up Interactive Notebook
  5. Follow Social Contract and AHS Handbook
  6. Make sure to bring paper, pen and I-Pad to class every day

Grading Procedures:
You will be given a minimum of 8 Grades during a six week period. (SAE HOURS- will count for 15% of quiz grade at 3 weeks and will count for marking period test at 6 weeks which will be a total 35% of the six weeks grade.) For more details on the Record Book look at the Supervised Agriculture Experience Record Book Rubric

 Grades are determined using the following formula:

Daily Grades: 20%   


  • Homework
  • Classroom & Lab Assignments


Quiz Grades: 30%


  • Both announced and unannounced quiz grades
  • 3 Weeks AET Online Recordbook-     

    Test Grades 30% 

  • Unit Tests
  • Interactive Notebooks
  • Projects/Presentations          Some assignments will require written reports, projects, or class presentations.  These assignments that require an extended amount of time, effort, and creativity will be graded and scored as a major grade.


Marking Period Test 20%

  • Each 6 Weeks you will be required to turn in an up-to-date AET Record Books online for the 6 Weeks Test.




All Students are highly encouraged to join the Azle FFA!


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics